What Is Testosterone and What Does It Do in the Body?

man with basketballTestosterone is something everybody has in varying levels. Although it is known as the male sex hormone, it is present in women’s bodies as well, although in much lower levels than men.

Testosterone is produced primarily in the testicles in men, and in the ovaries and adrenal glands in women.and plays a key role in the development of male growth and the development of male characteristics, such as men’s deeper voices and sex drive. It also is essential in the creation of muscle mass and strong bones in both men and women.

The hormone plays a key role in the development of male growth and the development of male characteristics, such as men’s deeper voices and sex drive. It also is essential in the creation of muscle mass and strong bones in both men and women.

 Benefits of Testosterone

Low testosterone levels in men is known as hypogonadism, a condition that has been linked to a variety of cardiovascular risks, among other problems.

According to a study conducted at the Harvard Medical School, testosterone replacement therapy can wide coronary arteries, improving the health of men suffering from angina, chest pain, and pressure caused by the heart not getting enough blood.

Testosterone is also helpful in the production of red blood cells, which can aid in people with anemia, or a low red blood cell count.

 Vitality and Sexual Confidence

When men become sexually aroused, testosterone levels naturally rise. After long periods of abstinence, testosterone levels can fall off.

Improved testosterone levels can help boost sexual desire and has been shown to have a positive effect on a man’s sex drive and performance. It’s also helpful for women’s sex drive.

In general, testosterone therapy can improve your health, your sex life, your personal vitality, and your overall confidence.


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